أسعد الله أوقاتكم أيها الأحبة
صدر العدد الثامن من مجلة القلم الورقية، حاملاً في طياته تنوعًا أدبيًا مميزًا، حيث تم نشر عشر قصائد مترجمة إلى العربية من قبلي ضمن ركن الترجمة .
هذا العدد يأتي استمرارًا لتأكيد المجلة على تقديم محتوى ثقافي رفيع المستوى يجمع بين الأصالة والحداثة.
نتوجه بجزيل الشكر للمسؤولين عن المجلة على جهودهم المتواصلة في دعم الأدب والثقافة، وتهنئة حارة لكل المشاركين الذين ساهموا في إثراء هذا العدد المميز.
May God bless your time, dear ones.
The eighth issue of "Al-Qalam" magazine has been released, featuring a distinguished literary variety, including ten poems translated into Arabic by myself in the translation section.
This issue continues the magazine’s commitment to delivering high-quality cultural content that blends tradition with modernity. We extend our heartfelt thanks to the magazine's organizers for their ongoing efforts in supporting literature and culture, and warm congratulations to all the contributors who enriched this special issue.
A poem " SAVE THE PLANET" By my dear
Natalie Bisso
A poem "FINAL SHOWDOWN" By my dear Noble friend Poet
NilavroNill Shoovro
A poem ' THE EARTH SHALL BE CLEAN " By my dear friend Poet
Santosh Kumar Pokharel
A poem " NIGHT WIND " By my dear sister
Yatti Sadeli
A poem "INNOCENCE AND ISOLATION" By my dear Noble friend Poet
Sajid Hussain
A poem "THE SOUND OF FREEDOM" By my dear
Franca Colozzo
A poem "AN AMIABLE TRAVELER" By my dear Noble friend Poet
Jean C Bertrand
Poema " IL SUD É IL SOLE " dal mia cara amica
Maria Teresa Liuzzo
A poem "LOVING AUTUMN " By my dear
Nguyen Chinh
Sayeeda Sharmin Ruma
Il suono delle lacrime è chiuso
nelle perle sul fondo del mare.
La voce delle foglie
è in una tazza di tè
o sulla sommità di un albero.
Il suono della paura
è in un volto di donna
nel mezzo di una guerra.
La voce dei miei sogni
è nei sorrisi incantevoli
dei popoli della libertà.
* The sound of Freedom
The sound of the tears
is closed in the pearls
at the bottom of the sea.
The voice of the leaves
is in a cup of tea
or on the top of a tree.
The sound of the fear
is in a woman's face
in the middle of a war.
The voice of my dreams
is in the charming smiles
of peoples of Freedom.
Le bruit des larmes
est fermé dans les perles
sur le fond marin.
La voix des feuilles
est une tasse de thé
ou sur le dessus d'un arbre.
Le bruit de la peur
est un visage de femme
au milieu d'une guerre
La voix de mes rêves
est dans les sourires enchanteurs
des peuples livres.
El sonido de las lágrimas
es cerrado en las perlas
en el fondo del mar.
La voz de las hojas
está en una taza de té
o en la parte superior de un árbol.
El sonido del miedo
es en la cara de una mujer
en el medio de una guerra.
La voz de mis sueños
está en las sonrisas encantadoras
de los pueblos de la Libertad.
Gözyaşı ses inci kapalı
Denizin dibinde.
Yaprakların sesi
Bir fincan çay içinde
ya da bir ağacın tepesinde.
Korku ses Bir kadının
karşısında olduğunu
bir savaşın ortasında.
Hayallerimin sesi sevimli
gülümsüyor olduğunu
Özgürlük halklarının.
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