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From Imagery To Imogery - Dall’immagine alle Emoji

di Dr. Jernail Singh Anand  

Proposta di Franca Colozzo »

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Pubblicato il 03/09/2023 23:58:46



Dr JERNAIL SINGH ANAND- Dr. Jernail Singh Anand is the only Indian author after Sh Rabindranath Tagore to become an Honorary Member of the Association of Serbian Writers. He is Prof Emeritus in Indian Literature at The European Institute of the Roma Studies and Research Belgrade. Dr Anand has authored more than 150 books in English poetry, fiction, non-fiction, spirituality and philosophy. He is credited with the theory of Biotext in critical theory. His work has been translated into more than twenty world languages. Author of 9 epics that are regarded as modern classics, Anand has organized 4 International Literary Conferences, latest of them, in Chandigarh. He was conferred Franz Kafka Laureateship 2022 and International Aco Karamanov Poetry Award 2022 (Mecedonia). Hailing from Punjab, India, Dr. Anand is recipient of prestigious Naji Naaman Literary Award 2020, Cross of Literature and Cross of Peace from the World Union of Poets, Italy. He was appointed Secretary General of, the World Union of Poets, Italy, and Chairman of the Board of Directors, World Institute of Peace, Nigeria. Univ of Neyshabur, Iran has published a Research Project Comparing the Poetry of JS Anand with Sohrab Sepehri and Furogh Farrokhzad under Chief Coordinator, Dr Roghayeh Farsi, who was instrumental in articulation of Dr. Anand's Theory of Biotext. His 4 books by him have been translated into Persian by Iranian scholars. Dr. Anand's reputation as an author rests mainly on his scintillating work in critical theory: '21st Century Critical Thought' in 4 volumes, and Postmodern Voices in 7 volumes, and his latest The Mahakaal Trilogy and the creation of the Corporate Monster Lustus. Dr Anand is Chairman of Aazaad Foundation (Regd) and World Literature India. Global Literary Icon Dr. Maja Herman Sekulic (Princeton Ph.D.) has compared Dr. Anand with Daniel Defoe ( as a great satirist of our times). She considers him the greatest philosopher among poets, and the greatest poet among philosophers. His contemporaries call him Dr. Jernail Orwell Anand and compare his work with William Faulkner. Email: anandjs55@yahoo.com Wikipedia:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jernail_Singh_Anand? Edurank Punhabi univ https://edurank.org/uni/punjabi-university-patiala/alumni/ BIBLIOGRAPHY https://theinternalnews.co/2023/02/08/the-living-legend-dr-jernail-singh-anand- a-bibliography/ OUTLOOK MAGAZINE https://www.outlookindia.com/business-spotlight/the-greatest-moralist-and-greatest-idealist-of-the-21st-century-dr-jernail-singh-anand-news- 307584/amp INTERNATIONAL ACADEMY OF ETHICS (ethicsacademy.co.in)
From Imagery To Imogery 
DR Jernail S Aanand
Where are we headed?
Human faces are already extinct
We have to be content with
Just images in WhatsApp.
And now,
We create our fossilized avatars
Or computed bots
I feel we are an amputated race
And every part of our body
And mind,
Which has become useless
Because of disuse
Has been amputated
And supplied with artificial limbs
The only intriguing thing is
A handicapped person calls himself
Specially advantaged
Whereas we the able-bodied
And over minded feel ecstatic
When we reduce ourselves
To the helpless position of
Entire dependence on Imagery
The image-making machine.
There is a house of Imagery
And there is a great production city
Of Imagery
It helps us not to waste our breath
No need to speak
The Imagery helps us to meet people
Without actually meeting them
And Imogery helps us to feel
Without actually feeling anything.
The advance of AI has finally resulted
In shrinking of the human spaces
We have become dumb.
And deaf too to the natural voices
As stale music always
Keeps piping in our clogged ears
Thrills are plenty,
And what is finally lost
It is the warmth of being human.
* Imagery has been used in the sense of a Menagerie ....a house where Images are kept, relating it to computers and mobile phones.
** In the same way, Imogery also is suggested as a city where we have images for every emotion.
Translated into Italian by Franca Colozzo
DR Jernail S Aanand
Dove siamo diretti?
I volti umani sono già estinti
Dobbiamo accontentarci
Solo di immagini su WhatsApp.
E ora,
Creiamo i nostri avatar fossilizzati
O robot computerizzati
Sento che siamo una razza amputata
Ed ogni parte del nostro corpo
e della mente,
è diventata inutile
a causa del disuso,
è stata amputata
e fornita di arti artificiali
L'unica cosa intrigante è che
Una persona handicappata si definisce
diversamente dotata
Mentre noi normodotati
e superdotati ci sentiamo estasiati
Quando ci riduciamo
alla posizione indifesa di
dipendenza dall'immaginazione
La macchina che crea immagini.
C'è una casa dell'immaginazione
E c'è una grande città di produzione
di immagini
Ci aiuta a non sprecare il fiato
Non c'è bisogno di parlare
L'immaginazione ci aiuta a incontrare le persone
Senza incontrarle davvero
E l'immaginazione ci aiuta a sentire
senza provare nulla.
L'avanzamento dell'intelligenza artificiale ha portato
a restringere gli spazi umani
Siamo diventati muti.
E sordi anche alle voci naturali
Mentre la musica stantia continua a
continua a risuonare nelle nostre orecchie intasate.
I brividi sono tanti,
e ciò che alla fine si è perso
è il calore dell'essere umano.
Translated by Franca Colozzo
* L'immaginario è stato usato nel senso di un serraglio .... una casa dove sono conservate le immagini, rapportandolo al computer e ai telefoni cellulari.
Potrebbe essere un disegno



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